I understand your pain
How it evokes your brain
To travel darkened vein
Evoking thoughts membrane.
A tissue bristled lost
No thought distraction’s cost
To play pains quibble tossed
Determine idles crossed.
I wake I want to sleep
I move I quiet weep
The damage worsens creep
On high I look off leap.
Spiral below the norm
Sub-zero life’s up warm
No understanding form
My body’s bend deform.
Medication given rife
Occupies my life
Another illness strife
Situation’s cycle rife.
As smiling face defy
Inevitable deny
To those my heart I fly
Together not goodbye.
Simon Mack © 2017
Simon's comments:
Those who suffer without obvious affliction suffer more. This piece empathises with those who toil each day with issues of mental & physical nature. Yet who knows and whom takes the time to listen & understand?
