So many words so much disdain
An ocean of opinion a continent of blame
An artwork each day we refine in grace
Or deface its beauty in decency’s face.
Our tapestry woven of thread understood
In pattern at times a shape of falsehood
I didn’t dream ugly here is anyway
To beautify toiling no contest affray.
Life’s dealer spins random card’s fate
Don’t hate the messenger with hand self-create
Sometimes a ‘shitter’ not of your own make
Double drop kick ... let’s ‘run’… make quick break.
Bad news a sobering reality
Sunny day people… “remind.. who was he??”
Mind ever sharp heart ever true
Enact grace in silence to all those without clue.
A trip without rule-book boundless in toil
Displays of dignity’s internal boil
No merit of wallow no allure in ‘out loud’
In secret its spoken away from the ‘crowd.’
Moral’s fickle sideshow a futile display
In face of opinion with ears single sway
Dealer left me hanging but this I have learnt
For here is what matters and valued once burnt…
Don’t be judge and jury if you can’t listen first
Comprehend all angles pre opinion’s starburst
Not everyone’s life is as lucky as yours
Amidst your loudened revel recall lost shipwrecked shores.
Not everyone hopes and likes just as you
Just wish those who bother comprehend and are true
For the rest don’t worry for inside you know
Their words may be poison but their heart false hollow.
To ponder on wrong to toxin your time
Focus on what’s good the rest tune out chime
If there are no plusses then chop out the dross
Smile’s satisfaction turns windows semi-gloss.
For if they are true they’ll show it with care
And if they’re not they were never really there
The ignorant twirl pointless position in game
But you can’t even see them beyond meaningful frame.
Adversity’s focus sharper than a sword
Those who swing slicing shape fool’s discord
Minds bent under pressure conformity’s run
On your path step proudly… head high unique one.
Simon Mack © 2019
Simon's comments:
Life can make you unique is so many ways, and however that comes about give thanks and step proudly forward as who you are. No matter whatever the adversity revel in the beauty of yourself, and grasp close around you those who have the good grace to take time to understand & care.